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What Can I Do To Help My Mental Health

Hi guys, lockdown has been so difficult and has really taken a knock on our mental health. With so many restrictions and everything changing daily, it is no surprise that we are feeling down and low. I have been struggling with my mental health and have been researching what can help to make our mental health feel a bit better.

Social media is extremely popular now. While its so useful and brilliant to help us stay in touch with people and keep up to date with what’s going on, it can also make us feel down too. During lockdown I have really struggled with being on social media and seeing what it seemed like everyone making the most of lockdown and having everything together. When in reality this isn’t the case.

By going on social media such as Instagram everyday I started to become so insecure about the way I look and that I was finding lockdown hard. Everyone seems to have

perfect bodies and having such a good time with their partner in lockdown, so why was I struggling so much and feeling down? I was feeling so bad for eating unhealthy foods or having an argument with my partner and then logging on to social media to see the ‘perfect’ body or the ‘perfect’ relationship.

I decided to take a ‘social media cleanse’ it was difficult at first; it was so tempting to log onto social media as it is so easily accessible. I spoke to my family, friends and partner and told them how I was feeling so down and realised others were struggling too. What we see online is just a fraction of what happens in real life; just because people seem to have it together it doesn’t mean they are happy.

Instead of focusing so much of my time on social media I found downloading apps such as calm and headspace helped to calm my anxiety. I found that when I do use social media following positive accounts helped too. A few positive Instagram accounts are @selfcareisforeveryone @anxiety_wellbeing and @actionhappiness.

Remember it is ok not to be ok and nobody is perfect!!

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