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Peer Support

Here you will find information on projects being run by FNP clients

Kids Playing with Lego

Mom Meet Ups

Being a parent is hard work and one of the things that can make it easier is a supportive friend. We have just spent the last year staying home and now restrictions are lifting you may be looking at activities in your area to attend. 
Babies can finally meet others and you can share valuable advice and have a natter. 
Chloe and Sophie are two clients who understand that going to a baby and toddler group or activity for the first time can be really hard. They have set up a WhatsApp group to link you to other FNP Clients.
The group encourages a supportive place to introduce yourself and baby, get to know other parents and arrange meet ups. That way you will always know that there will be a familiar face waiting for you who feels just like you.
If you wold like to be added to the group just ask your family nurse for details.
In the meantime click on the link below to meet Chloe, Serena, Sophie and Aurora.

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